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Sam Maltby
Jun 20, 20231 min read
Fast Twitch Muscle Needs More Time!
A research study showed that people with more fast twitch muscle fibers need more time to recover when pushed hard! Slow twitch muscle...
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Sam Maltby
Jun 19, 20231 min read
Best Abs exercise??
A comparative study looked at Ab Coaster, Ab Straps, Ab Lounge, Ab Circle Pro, Ab Roller, Perfect Sit-up, Ab Rocket, Ab Wheel, stability...
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Sam Maltby
Jun 16, 20231 min read
Want Muscle Mass?
We all want big beautiful muscles but we all have different body types. Thankfully I just read an article in Outside Online talking about...
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Sam Maltby
Jun 15, 20231 min read
How to maintain strength and endurance when you need a break!
Life gets in the way sometimes, or maybe you just want a little break so things can heal. The good news is the military did research to...
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Sam Maltby
Jun 14, 20231 min read
How to exercise in wildfire smoke
Since Canada is on fire and making things hazy it is worth knowing how to exercise in the smoke. Let your highest level be orange AQI for...
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Sam Maltby
Jun 13, 20231 min read
Change your life, scrape your tongue!
70% of all bad breath is caused by your tongue! Using a toothbrush only pushes the buildup around, you need to scrape it off. The metal...
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Sam Maltby
Jun 12, 20231 min read
Do not sleep on these tips!
Let's improve your sleep, here are some tips from the American Academy of Sleep Medicine. Create a routine where you fall asleep and wake...
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Sam Maltby
Jun 9, 20231 min read
Buzz Kill!!!!!
Research from the University of Pennsylvania just came out saying that 1-2 drinks daily can age the brain two years. More drinking has...
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Sam Maltby
Jun 8, 20231 min read
Best exercises for your hamstrings!
Thank God people take the time to research this stuff! The study compared the kettlebell swing, Romanian deadlift, reverse hip raise,...
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Sam Maltby
Jun 7, 20231 min read
Can I exercise too much?
According to research, yes you can! This study followed 100 light exercisers (1 to 6 hours a week) and 100 heavy exercisers (18 to 22...
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Sam Maltby
Jun 6, 20231 min read
Plyometric vs Strength Training
In young soccer players strength training was more effective for developing strength, speed, and lower limb functionality. To keep injury...
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Sam Maltby
Jun 2, 20231 min read
To foam roll before or after a workout, is the question.
Thanks to research we have an answer for this question. The study recommended foam rolling before a workout for 90-120 seconds and...
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Sam Maltby
Jun 1, 20231 min read
Best Bicep Exercise
If you want bigger biceps you need to add the concentration curl to your bicep routine. It showed the highest activation of muscle fibers...
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Sam Maltby
May 31, 20231 min read
Bodyweight or Weights, that is the question!
Have you ever wondered if you are doing harm by using weights when you do leg exercises? According to research adding weights to the mix...
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Sam Maltby
May 30, 20231 min read
Be a friend to yourself
Do you hate watching videos of yourself or hearing your voice? Is being your most prominent critic really helping you achieve your goals...
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Sam Maltby
May 26, 20231 min read
Calorie Restriction...What's the deal???
There is so much information out there about how reducing the amount of food you eat will make you live forever. However, most of those...
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Sam Maltby
May 25, 20231 min read
How to Get a BOOTY!!!!!
Booty booty rocking everywhere!!!!!! The squat has been thought of as the best exercise to grow your butt for a long time, but THAT IS...
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Sam Maltby
May 24, 20231 min read
A little running can go a long way to increase your lifespan!
Research that surveyed roughly 55,000 people over 15 years found that running 5-10 min/day at a slow pace reduces your risk of death from...
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Sam Maltby
May 23, 20231 min read
Break free from Stress!
Stress is just a part of being human. No matter how hard we try at some point stress will get the better of us. According to research the...
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Sam Maltby
May 21, 20231 min read
Craving Remedies!
I have cravings all of the time! I want to share some tricks I have read about with you. Do not keep any foods that are ultra-processed...
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